NEW!  Free training webinar for Municipal Administrators, 8:30 to 12:30 on November 14th.  Join us for helpful information on cybersecurity, grant-writing, and more! 


MRWA Training and Technical Assistance

MRWA provides training sessions that cover a broad spectrum of topics and are held online and in-person throughout the state.


MRWA conducts hundreds of hours per year of water and wastewater training. Our training courses are approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for certification of Continuing Education (CEU) hours toward operators’ state license requirements. We train operators, superintendents, local elected officials, board members, managers, and administrative personnel. MRWA training allows water professionals to upgrade their skills, improve the quality of their utility’s service, and protect their community’s health.  Our class types include the following:

Standard Classes
Held at systems and municipalities across the state, these classes are taught by MRWA trainers and member vendors. They cover a wide variety of both process and non-process operations, including OSHA-certified safety training.  The class fees are $10/credit hour for employees of the hosting system, and $20 per credit hour for other students.  A minimum registration of 5 students is required to hold the class.

EPA Classes (free)
These classes are offered across the state under a national contract with EPA, and cover many of the same topics as our Standard classes. A minimum registration of 5 students, including employees of at least two different small systems (serving less than 10,000 residents) is required to hold each class.

Self-Paced Online Classes (COMING SOON)
These paid classes will be offered through our association with Suncoast Learning Systems.  A catalog of Maryland-accredited water and wastewater classes will be available 24/7 for students to learn on their own time, at their own pace.

Contract Classes
Systems who would like to set up a private class taught by MRWA staff can request a Contract class.  For a single fee, our trainers will present an accredited class to up to 20 students.  For more information on Contract classes, please fill out our brief Contact Form.

Water Sampler Certification Classes
We offer these classes several times a month under contract with MDE.  Students receive three hours of instruction, then a final test.  First-time certification students must also pass a hands-on skills test (Practicum) after the class in order to be certified.  More details on the class contents, Practicum requirements, and fee schedule can be found under each class listing.

Annual Conference Classes
Every summer at our Annual Conference we offer a wide variety of accredited process and non-process classes for attendees.  With the exception of Water Sampler Certification and the MDE Operator Exam, all classes are free with paid registration to the conference.  Learn more about our conference here.

Stay up to date on our classes with our new Training Tuesdays newsletter:

MRWA's new "Training Tuesdays" email newsletter features our upcoming free, paid, and vendor-sponsored classes. Sign up now and be the first to know!