NEW!  Free training webinar for Municipal Administrators, 8:30 to 12:30 on November 14th.  Join us for helpful information on cybersecurity, grant-writing, and more! 


All MRWA Voting and Associate Members in good standing have the opportunity to join our Board of Directors. The MRWA Board of Directors supports the organization by providing oversight of our mission, vision, and financial activities. Elections for open positions are held during our Annual Membership Business Meeting held during our Annual Conference. Interest in serving in this capacity can be expressed by reaching out to any sitting Board Member or to the MRWA Executive Director & CEO. Board Members serve for three-year terms and can be re-elected.

The nine-member MRWA Board of Directors is composed of five representatives from the five “MRWA Zones” (see map), three At-Large members representing all zones in the state, and one Associate member representing MRWA vendors and partners. If you have questions about serving on our Board, please contact us at 410-489-5877 or at

The next upcoming elections for our Board of Directors will take place during our 2025 Annual Membership Business Meeting being held at the Ocean City Convention Center.

Elizabeth Stahlman

President / Zone 5


Cori Cameron

Vice President/ At Large


Kelly Trego

Treasurer / At Large


Heather Keifline

Secretary / Zone 3


Jo Manning

Director / Zone 1


Jamey Latchum

Director / Zone 2


Paul Mantello

Director/ Zone 4



Director / At Large


Rich Skilton

Associate Director / At Large
