Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA WEP) has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities. With WEP funding at risk, your voice is more important than ever. Pledge your support for USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs, as they provide to rural water and wastewater systems that support public health, economic vitality, technical assistance, and affordability in communities across America.

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MRWA Training and Technical Assistance

MRWA provides training sessions that cover a broad spectrum of topics and are held online and in-person throughout the state.

MRWA conducts over 200 accredited hours a year of water and wastewater training. Our training courses are submitted and approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for certification of Continuing Education (CEU) hours to be credited to operators’ state license requirements. A diversified curriculum ranges from water treatment, water and wastewater regulations, operations and maintenance, and wellhead protection, to financial management practices and operator certification. We train local elected officials, board members, managers, operators, and administrative personnel. The training allows water professionals to upgrade their skills, improve the quality of their utility’s service, and protect their community’s health.

MDE has contracted with us to provide training for drinking water sampling certification. Certification of drinking water samplers helps to assure the reliability of Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) compliance samples submitted to state-certified laboratories. Performing the required sampling and testing of public water systems is the primary means of evaluating compliance with the standards and the safety of the drinking water supply.

Each year our annual conference is held with concurrent sessions and exhibits providing the latest technology in the water/wastewater industry. MRWA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition draws water and wastewater professionals, manufacturers, and suppliers together in one location, allowing them to participate in specialized training and learn about the latest trends in technology, government regulations.

Sign up now for our new Training Tuesdays newsletter, starting in January!

MRWA's new "Training Tuesdays" email newsletter features our upcoming free, paid, and vendor-sponsored classes. Sign up now and be the first to know!