Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA WEP) has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities. With WEP funding at risk, your voice is more important than ever. Pledge your support for USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs, as they provide to rural water and wastewater systems that support public health, economic vitality, technical assistance, and affordability in communities across America.

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COVID-19 Vaccinations for the Water and Wastewater Sector

A memo from the Water Sector Coordinating Council (WSCC) to U.S. Water and Wastewater Utilities

From the 12/14/20 memo:

The Water Sector Coordinating Council, comprising representatives of the national water and wastewater organizations, urges drinking water and wastewater utilities across the country to contact their state and local public health agencies to ensure their staff members are included in Phase 1-B of their communities’ COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations, water and wastewater utility employees should be among those eligible for inclusion in this early phase given their federal designation as “essential workers.” However, it is critical for utilities to work with local agencies to ensure this federal guidance translates into local action.

Read the full memo