Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA WEP) has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities. With WEP funding at risk, your voice is more important than ever. Pledge your support for USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs, as they provide to rural water and wastewater systems that support public health, economic vitality, technical assistance, and affordability in communities across America.

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Coagulation, Flocculation, Sedimentation & Filtration

January 6, 2022 / 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Register for Training

Course Code: 6648-19-09
License Class: All Operators
Class Instructor: Scott Harmon, CET – MRWA
Type: P
Cost: FREE!

Description: Session will cover the four steps of conventional water treatment process; including rapid mixing, types of flocculation, sedimentation and filtration will be discussed. Upon completion of this course, the Operator will have a clear understanding of how these treatment processes effect the ability for a facility to meet the SDWA.

Hours are 7.0 (x 1.5 w/ passing of test).

*An hour break will be given for lunch on your own.